Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

To research a bit more, Dazira and used the website www.watchthetitles.com. This website displays behind-the-scenes content, which allows you to see the process and ideas behind movie creations. There is a wide variety of short title sequence clips. In particular to our genre of suspense, there were a few reoccurring factors that my partner and took notice of. For one there is the layout of how the names appeared on the screen. There is also the diegetic music that goes with it. My partner and noticed what genre movie this was right away and we thought it was important to take note of that for our movie title sequence. Another intriguing fact about this website is that it not only shows movies, but it also shows television shows and animations. In which it is providing elaborate information on the many different aspects of entertainment. At first, my group and weren't entirely sure about what a title sequence was, but after some research, we see that it is an important factor that sets the tone for the film we need to complete. As a group, we think that this website is a huge benefit that could help us with our final task! Until next time....


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