Storyboard: The lull

Scene 1: Establishing shot of the street with the name of the studio in the skyline.

Scene 2: Shot of missing posters and the name of production company is shown on one of the missing posters.

Scene 3: Shot of sidewalk then reporter comes in frame walking and actors names are being displayed 

Scene 4: Reporter enters a building, which is their job. Medium long shot is used and film name appears on wall as person walks by. 

Scene 5: Reporter walks into job saying "hi" to co-workers. Music and edited by appear on screen 

Scene 6: Reporter walks to his office/cubicle and sets himself up. Steady zoom in and the title, directed by, displays on wall. 

Scene 7: Insert/shot of reporter opening file on missing persons/people/friend group. 

Scene 8: The boss starts asking about how the case is going. Involves a two shot, over the shoulder shot, and a medium close up. 

Scene 9: Reporter then tells the boss about how close he is with the case. Has a medium close up and a steady zoom in. 

Scene 10: Time lapse or a multiple shots showing a passing of time as he is looking for information. 

Scene 11: Eventually he find what he is looking for and packs up his things. Wide shot. 

Scene 12: Camera cuts to laptop displaying the information he found with a steady zoom in, then he closes it. Pan to make a transition.

Scene 13: Pan to reporter closing car door and starting the car. 

Scene 14: The car then drives off, still shot, and start off with a wide or long shot. 

Scene 15: car then comes to the front of a house (which is the brother's house... who the reporter found after doing more research) establishing shot. 

Scene 16: Shot of door and reporter coming up and ring the door bell with medium long shot/reporter comes to the front of the house and rings the doorbell with a tracking shot 

Scene 17: The door opens and the guy who opens the door and the reporter have a quick conversation and the guy confirms that he is the brother and is home alone. Medium long shot. 

Scene 18: Brother lets the reporter in they both sit down in the living/sitting room in a somewhat lit environment. Wide shot. 

Scene 19: The reporter then starts asking the brother basic question to help with his investigation. Over the shoulder shot, close up, two shot, and medium long shot. 

Scene 20: As the brother is answering one of the questions the reporter hears a noise and loses focus trying to figure what the noise and where it's coming from. Medium close up. 

Scene 21: As the brother is finishing answering the question the reporter left off of he releases the reporter is losing focus of the conversation and tries to regain his attention. Two shot, close up, and medium close up. 

Scene 22: Reporter then asks to looks around to see some things and he does. The brother gets up and goes to a a dark room. As the reporter is looking around he notices a painting. 

Scene 23: Shot/Insert of the painting showing the missing friend group and the reporter notices that they're wearing the same clothes the day they went missing. 

Scene 24: Shot back to reporter, with background, and you can see a figure in the distance in the dark room the brother is in. 

Scene 25: The reporter then slowly turns around as he starts to hear the voices again, the while slips away into the darkness, the tension start to increase as the room gets darker and he starts to see upside down crosses. Medium close up, pan, and medium long shot. 

Scene 26: Shot of reporter walking towards the door as the sounds start to get louder. Camera cuts to the reporter's arm inching closing to the doorknob. 

Scene 27: Medium long shot of reporter grabbing the door while the brother comes from the darkness fully, seeing a bloody knife in his hand and looking pale and somewhat like he's braindead. 

Scene 28: Close up of reporter shocked, and frozen terrified as he is piecing the dots together. 

Scene 29: Brother stands still for moment, then cuts to reporter, then cuts back to the brother running full speed at the reporter with the knife raised. The reporter screams and the screen fades out. 

Scene 30: Black screen.


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