In the Coca-Cola industry commercials tend to follow this story telling genre. In many commercials they target family, thirst, friends, convenience, and try to promote it as the solution. Weather it’s making a memory, making friends, or solving that undeniable thirst, come present coke as a solution. A great example is the commercial we based off of, which basically narrates this story of this elder fellow having to leave his family for his fishing job, and the story end with the family reuniting with a coke. This type of problem-solution concept creates a great way to format a commercial. Coca-Cola connects to his audience by representing these relatable stories. By doing this, they accomplish a connection with the audience, and they become interested in the commercial. This is important because it communicates with the audience, and they become more likely to purchase. Although everyone knows what Coca-Cola is, their goal is to tempt the audience into purchasing their product. O...