My group and I are doing a music videos for Lose Yourself by Eminem. In the actual video of this artists, the film producers used the narrative/story telling style of the song, and filmed with conventions such as close ups, low angle, dark lighting, to produce a sad genre.  These attributes are fairly common throughout the filming industry, and many slow paced songs use them to produce a sad sensation. In this case, the song utilizes these conventions until the "beat drop", which then switches into a very moving pace, with rapid shots, ext. In many songs beat drops are correlated to a change of theme. In this scenario the theme is correlated to the "character" becoming more confident, and capable. In a normal story this change at the beat drop would be the start of the rising action and the beginning of development. Similar videos of Artists, such as Doja cat, follow this rising action in their songs like "kiss me more". This format makes it very easy to come up with filming ideas and will help my group do the same. In many films, things like props, costumes, acting, all add to the films. Each musician or singer presents their songs in a very unique way that sets them apart from other performers. In this scenario, Eminem also wore rap like clothing which also emphasized his appearance. Similarly, this same result can be caused by props. For example, he used props like microphones, which make his acting more realistic. All these things add to video and make it more entertaining. Music videos sometimes include ethos, often starring different artists, or actors. This helps attract specific audiences through these famous characters. Overall this makes the film more entertaining and better achieves it's goal. Each artist, or singer have a very personalized way of presenting their songs, and separate them from other singers. All these these things individualize Eminem from other music videos, and make him stand out. By utilizing these attributes in our music video, we'll be able to produce a similar yet high quality production.


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