Today I was able to get another filming session. After class, I headed directly home. After that, I headed to the park. While driving, I went through what needed to be done for the rest of the filming. Everything will be easier to accomplish after reviewing the things that were left in the checklist. After the 30 minute drive I was finally at the park. I quickly put up the camera and began shooting the rappers scene at the park's stadium. I did a few takes of each and changed things up a little after each take to ensure I had enough alternatives to pick from when it came time for editing. Filming was almost done but the camera died midway while recording. Therefore, I started filming on my camara. Filming took about 2 1/2 hours all together. I did the main acting while directing as well. To make sure things went according to plan. Filming was officially complete today. However, up next I started doing some brain work for the editing. I was planning on testing out new apps. Although Cap-cut worked excellently I though I should try new things. I've only done 1 production so settling on one app feels counter productive. With that said you never know if you can learn if another app is better. With that in mind, next production, I'll be done, and over with. Look forward to finishing everything, all together, up soon!


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