So essentially I wanted to film today. I knew that with the filming problems, I had to figure something out, fast and quick. I had the intention, and motivation, but the world cup, and exam finals are happening. Essentially I been really busy. I'm definitely filming this Wednesday or weekend. With that, it'll be done and over with. However it's been very hard to balance school work, exams, work, and still maintain a social life. Now, you may already know that I'm actually from Argentina. And so, It's such a big part of my culture and my family to watch the world cup game. Personally I'm a pretty big sports fan, and for me this game means a lot for me. I even left school early just so I could catch up with the game. Even with going against such small team like Croatia and I felt like it was very important for me to be there with the people I love. Long story short, I I had little to no time to spare that day and didn't film. However, that re-film of the blog need to get done as soon as possible. In the good side Argentina did win and will proceed to the finals. All that leaves is for Argentina to win the World Cup, and I'll be the happiest person ever. Nevertheless I already called up my partners and started arranging a time to meet. That only means we're getting to the end game. In any case, the World Cup will be finished shortly. I'll be back to my usual industrious self after that. 


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