Production Blog

HELLO! Welcome back. Today My partner and I did another essential step of the film. I STARTED COLLECTING PROPS. For this film I needed many props and costumes essential to the film. These included outfits that gave casual vibes and many essential props. Me and Dazira started off by meeting in the mall. For instance I bought a nice and cheap vase, and also many make-up tools to add realism. We tried our best to split the bills. I also bought other less important props and quickly came to my house to start practicing some of the angles and shots with my partner. As I was going home we also saw another mall so I quickly stopped to see anything else of interest. Nevertheless, I still headed home and didn't find anything else. Once home, I made certain that everything was in order. Then I ran through my scene a few times. I practiced this a few times before recording them.  I was able to acquire a pretty fantastic piece of media on what I was doing once I got my act together. Dezira then videotaped me performing several of the short film's scenes. These came out nicely in my opinion. Unfortunately, the camera died in the middle of the new practice runs. However we quickly solved the issue with another phone. So that's it for today. Overall me and my partner were very productive. Keep an eye out for the next blog!


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