Planning Blog

Location: At a city like downtown Fort Lauderdale or somewhere were they are shops, greenery, and not busy to a semi-busy area. But most likely multiple locations that are at range between everyone who is participating. 

Participants: The people participating in this project are myself (Corvelest), Te, and David. Although we have not discussed our specific roles, we agreed that Teo would be the protagonists/good person or middle grounded and me or David would be the antagonists/bad person. All of us are some what main characters. 

Schedule: After discussing our schedules, we concluded that next weekend and days that we 3 days weekends and early release would be the best time to start filming. The fact that we have 3 day weekends and early releases and no one is doing anything major helps. We also, decided that it would be a good idea to start filming during evening time like 5pm to 8pm for a darker kind of feel. 

Costumes: The costumes will vary between my group mates depending on their personal style and what their role is. The antagonist my wear darker clothing while the main character/protagonists will wear lighter and brighter clothing.  



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